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5 June 2020

Karavolas, Heraklion Crete

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5.

Every year there are activities around the world on this occasion. This year was a different June 5th. It was World Environment Day in the corona virus era. Less festivals joined by less people but the thirst for change and awareness was greater than ever.
The Eco Diving Center with the Heraklion Eco Voice, Α.Τ.Α.Χ.Τ.Ο.Ι. , greenteam and many other ecological organizations and groups, with the support of the Municipality of Heraklion were there. There, where every year Heraklion Eco Voice organizes the urban ecology festival, in the area of ​​Karavolas in Heraklion. We cleaned up the area from ​​plastic and rubbish, we marked the bicycle path, and we envisioned a greener tomorrow, while at the end, the folklore group “Chnaris”, danced for us. All this while complying with the prescribed distances. The physical distances and not in our hearts

We wish all of us, this day the next year to do the same and much more, embraced in an environment that is cleaner and greener than ever.